Answered: Unacceptable behavior


Freshly Joined Member
12+ hours ago I registered on your site to buy VPN.
For registration, I used a temporary email.
The first purchase order was test to get a password for the service.
Then I created a new order that was paid, but for some unknown reason my account, was not activated.
At the time I write this post, the transaction already has 108!!! confirmations.
I created a ticket for your support #44,951, also 12+ hours ago, during which time they did not answer me a single word!
I sent them email to No answer.
I sent feedback through website form. No answer.
After this, I do not want to use your service.
Return my funds to me.
warum gebt ihr diesem Typ nicht seinen Refund, damit er endlich verschwindet?
I can't do anything about it, as I've already said. I also believe that these types of guys will never disappear. He was looking for stress right from the start. I don't care anymore. He's just making a fool of himself. If he had read our terms and conditions, he would know that there is no refund if he pays with Bitcoin. And if he now advertises this thread on all possible platforms, everyone can see for themselves and form their own judgement. Thanks for the free advertising. :cool:

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We are a community here. We stick together and offer this really good service. The forum is also part of it. Just chill out and enjoy it.
I hope this weekend you will have an accident with the whole family and die.

A bunch of fagots, and somewhat abandoned servers with an incredibly low load, because there are very few clients, and the other half of the servers on "permanent" maintenance.
Pathetic shit.
I will do everything i said. But it's not your business, dickhead.
I still decide that myself
You will pay for stolen money with your (or your stupid kids) blood one day, moron.
Not from me, but it's just work like that. May be you too young and dumb, especially considering the fact that you find funny that someone has lost money, given that your rules are obsolete shit and the Bitcoin transaction are negligible.
So get lost , fags.
I'm sorry that you lost your family to something like this, but it's a bit sad to wish it on others.
the fact that you find funny that someone has lost money
You have not lost any money. You bought a service with Bitcoin that you wanted for good reasons. The refund with Bitcoin is not possible. And now you can troll with me here in the forum. That's worth something too. And I'm really making an exception for you. Insults and even death threats are not really welcome here. Just chill out and use the service. We're really nice.
You have not lost any money. You bought a service with Bitcoin that you wanted for good reasons. The refund with Bitcoin is not possible. And now you can troll with me here in the forum. That's worth something too. And I'm really making an exception for you. Insults and even death threats are not really welcome here. Just chill out and use the service. We're really nice.
Your trolling so pathetic, it doesn't work.
As i said,
A bunch of fagots, and somewhat abandoned servers with an incredibly low load, because there are very few clients, and the other half of the servers on "permanent" maintenance.
Pathetic shit.
No I hate you.
If i knew who you are in real life I definitely behead you, Thieves shouldn't live.
I'm here only for gathering more info for review. That's it.
So do not flatter yourself, a miserable fag.
Berlin, are welcome to meet us at the Brandenburg Gate. One more stabbing or decapitation won't be noticed there anyway. Let me know when you're ready to go, otherwise keep your mouth shut kiddo.