Answered: Unacceptable behavior


Freshly Joined Member
12+ hours ago I registered on your site to buy VPN.
For registration, I used a temporary email.
The first purchase order was test to get a password for the service.
Then I created a new order that was paid, but for some unknown reason my account, was not activated.
At the time I write this post, the transaction already has 108!!! confirmations.
I created a ticket for your support #44,951, also 12+ hours ago, during which time they did not answer me a single word!
I sent them email to No answer.
I sent feedback through website form. No answer.
After this, I do not want to use your service.
Return my funds to me.
warum gebt ihr diesem Typ nicht seinen Refund, damit er endlich verschwindet?
I can't do anything about it, as I've already said. I also believe that these types of guys will never disappear. He was looking for stress right from the start. I don't care anymore. He's just making a fool of himself. If he had read our terms and conditions, he would know that there is no refund if he pays with Bitcoin. And if he now advertises this thread on all possible platforms, everyone can see for themselves and form their own judgement. Thanks for the free advertising. :cool:

View attachment 1742465859188.png
Thanks for the tip.
I'll check many VPN services, to find who also don't return BTC (if they are not only in you sick imagination), but if they exist, I think there will be 2-3 out of 100.
Another negative advertisement for you in comparison with other services that refund BTC.

Since you stole my money, I'll steal your clients and write shit but true about your shit vpn everywhere.
And I'll do this until the end of this year, until December 30th, 2025; somewhere around there.
This will compensate for my monetary loss.

And reporting to the police will compensate for my lost time.
Let them check you as long as possible.

I wish your business all the worst.

To your children, family and you too and your dumb gayfriend Daniel, let all your nightmares come true.
You pathetic greedy pig, I think your kids will follow you and become the same shit. Hope they will not live for so long.
Fuck you too fucking fag.
I am a person who want my money back. And have right for this due to your 7-day refund policy.
You rule about high BTC fee is outdated shit, because $1 is not high fee.
And you even refuse my transaction to pay the fee for you twice.
So now you show your true face - greedy pathetic pig.
Hope you will die soon with all your family, fucking dickhead.

I don't think that's nice. It reminds me of Back to the Future 3, when the blacksmith got shot for $80.
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Maybe you will find yourself in his role. I would shoot you with great pleasure. Who knows, watch your back. I hate such miserable thieves like you.
I haven't done anything wrong. I'm just trying to communicate that it's currently not possible to make a refund with Bitcoin. Why did you want to become a customer with us?
You have been very impatient until our systems have accepted your payment with Bitcoin and now you want a refund that we exclude with Bitcoin. Just use what you bought and enjoy Perfect Privacy. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ We really are as good as you thought at the beginning.
I haven't done anything wrong. I'm just trying to communicate that it's currently not possible to make a refund with Bitcoin. Why did you want to become a customer with us?
You have been very impatient until our systems have accepted your payment with Bitcoin and now you want a refund that we exclude with Bitcoin. Just use what you bought and enjoy Perfect Privacy. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ We really are as good as you thought at the beginning.
Dumb faggot, read more carefully. I asked for a refund from my very first post and the first message in the ticket.
I didn't ask you to speed up the process of accepting the payment.

So just shut up and close the thread.
Wants to inform the police about a scam that is not a scam, but at the same time threatens murder etc.

Wants to write bad reviews everywhere about how cheeky and mean we are, but wishes everything and everyone the worst, death, and insults 30 times in one sentence. I really hope you are a troll and don't live your life like that, otherwise I feel sorry for you. Test a service and book a year straight away? That shows a high level of intelligence, especially in the IT sector.
Dumb faggot, read more carefully. I asked for a refund from my very first post and the first message in the ticket.
I didn't ask you to speed up the process of accepting the payment.

So just shut up and close the thread.
Why, if you're already advertising everywhere, they should at least be able to read the thread here without any problems and give their own opinion, shouldn't they? It's embarrassing, such kindergarten behavior
The main goal of the report to the police is to pay attention to this shitty company.
Yes, they may not help in the refund. But police are required to check the company after reporting.
The police already have PP on the kicker anyway, or how do you explain the servers that have already been confiscated in the past? Was certainly Santa Claus on behalf of the Deep State and not the Police.

Tell me you have no idea without telling me you have no idea
You're still hanging around here, reading every message and replying to them, even though you're not interested/care and you actually have a lot of plans. [Writting Bad Reviews, Contact the Police and idk what else you got in Mind]

Strong Kevin
I will do everything i said. But it's not your business, dickhead.
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You seem to have a lot of time on your hands. At least I get paid for trolling.
From your Bitcoin.

Tip for the future: Never sell your Bitcoin.
You will pay for stolen money with your (or your stupid kids) blood one day, moron.
Not from me, but it's just work like that. May be you too young and dumb, especially considering the fact that you find funny that someone has lost money, given that your rules are obsolete shit and the Bitcoin transaction are negligible.
So get lost , fags.