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Info zur aktuellen Version
Veröffentlicht May 09, 2021
This is a major update, going from LEDE as the underlying operating system to OpenWrt. We've done over 1250 commits of changes to adjust Vilfo.
An open beta has been taking place for the last two months. If you want to participate, change the update channel of your unit to Beta on the
General tab. If no major issues are reported, v1.1.0 will be released on May 10th, 2021.
Besides adjusting Vilfo to the underlying changes, the following features/improvements have been made:
- The killswitch is now enabled the second a connection attempt is made, instead of after a VPN connection has been established
- The internet connection for all devices is blocked on boot before any potential VPN connections have been established
- Ability to switch a VPN connection for a group without first having to disconnect
- Ability to discover devices with static IP addresses in the network
- Ability to connect groups without any devices to VPN servers
- Allow editing of parental control rules
- New layout for the parental control page
- Resolved bug that caused issues submitting diagnostics if Vilfo had been powered on for a long time.
- Ability to perform backups again
- Improved load times when over 100 devices are in a network
- Various bug fixes related to statistics intervals
- API token no longer gets invalidated on new logins
- Added custom messages for some VPN providers explaining which credentials should be used
- Improved setup flow
- Drastically reduced file writes to SSD
- Bypass can now handle IDN domains
- Allow various date formatting options
- Added possibility to connect a group without any devices to a VPN server
- Improved formatting when viewed on mobile devices
- Additional input checks regarding IP and ports when bypassing
- A total rewrite of Firefox & Chrome extensions (will not work until v1.1.0 is released publicly)
- Several bug fixes & improved error handling