These are some of the errors that started only in the last week or so.
17:47:00 | Powershell | Failed 'Get-NetRoute | Select-Object -Property ifIndex,DestinationPrefix,NextHop | ConvertTo-Json ' Exception: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)
17:47:00 | Reporter | {'id': '9858638c-8f13-4ef5-9eda-0799f07449c7', 'osversion': 'Windows ; 10 ; 10.0.19045', 'clientversion': '24.07.28 ; release ; 64', 'configversion': '', 'action': 'powershell_failed', 'meta': '{"command": "Get-NetRoute | Select-Object -Property ifIndex,DestinationPrefix,NextHop | ConvertTo-Json ", "exception": "Traceback (most recent call last):\\n File \\"core\\\\libs\\\\powershell\\\\\\", line 31, in execute\\n File \\"json\\\\\\", line 346, in loads\\n File \\"json\\\\\\", line 337, in decode\\n File \\"json\\\\\\", line 355, in raw_decode\\njson.decoder.JSONDecodeError: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)\\n", "result": "\\"Get-NetRoute : Invalid class \\\\r\\\\nAt line:1 char:39\\\\r\\\\n+ Write-Host __STARTMARKER-adc9e08a__ ; Get-NetRoute | Select-Object -P ...\\\\r\\\\n+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~\\\\r\\\\n + CategoryInfo : MetadataError: (MSFT_NetRoute:ROOT/StandardCimv2/MSFT_NetRoute) [Get-NetRoute], CimExcep \\\\r\\\\n tion\\\\r\\\\n + FullyQualifiedErrorId : HRESULT 0x80041010,Get-NetRoute\\\\r\\\\n \\\\r\\\\n\\""}'}
17:47:02 | Session | Connecting failed, retrying in a few moments
17:47:02 | FirewallRuleBlockInternet | FirewallRuleBlockInternet updating
17:47:02 | RoutingWindows | Checking and updating routing table
17:47:02 | LeakProtection_windows | Checking leakprotection state
17:47:02 | SessionHop | Connection state changed for Hop 1, Erfurt, idle
17:47:02 | OpenVPNConnection (server=erfurt1) | Disconnecting cancelled: VPN is already inactive
17:47:02 | OpenVPNConnection (server=erfurt1) | OpenVPN process exited, please check log for errors: b"2025-01-17 17:47:00 --windows-driver is set to 'wintun'. Disabling Data Channel Offload\r\nOptions error: --cert fails with 'configs\\cl.erfurt.crt': The system cannot find the file specified. (errno=2)\r\n2025-01-17 17:47:00 WARNING: cannot stat file 'configs\\cl.erfurt.key': The system cannot find the file specified. (errno=2)\r\nOptions error: --key fails with 'configs\\cl.erfurt.key': The system cannot find the file specified. (errno=2)\r\nOptions error: Please correct these errors.\r\nUse --help for more information.\r\n"
17:47:02 | OpenVPNConnection (server=erfurt1) | OpenVPN process exited
17:47:02 | OpenVPNConnection (server=erfurt1) | Attempt #1 failed
I have to remove all routes and restart or nothing works