Answered: No servers connecting

We have had problems with the IKEv2 prptocol. So connections with our recommended mobile configs and IPsec in the desktop Clients didn't work. Now it is fixed.
read through this.. there you will find a temporary solution until the problem is fixed

read through this.. there you will find a temporary solution until the problem is fixed

Thanks this worked for me on Android app. Is this as secure as the PP app?
This has been the case on IKEv2 for more than a week now. Many threads in the German forum about it.
Perfect Privacy does not react at all. Not acceptable.
You are correct, it works after an installation of OpenVPN. Seems slower though. And it would have been nice to still be able to use IPSEC, and to get some type of notification and/or ticket response.
Some certificates have probably expired, so there are problems under Android. We will fix this as soon as possible. Unfortunately, we have been a little understaffed in the last few days. Thank you for your patience
We have had problems with the IKEv2 prptocol. So connections with our recommended mobile configs and IPsec in the desktop Clients didn't work. Now it is fixed.
windows app not working now, and manual ipsec not working much either, connects then doesnt i dont know whats not actually workins since i have not used this before
If you are trying to connect and it fails you have to delete the routes or your computer will be offline after PP fails to connect.
Route -f
ipconfig /release
ipconfig /renew

and your internet will work again just no VPN
These are some of the errors that started only in the last week or so.
17:47:00 | Powershell | Failed 'Get-NetRoute | Select-Object -Property ifIndex,DestinationPrefix,NextHop | ConvertTo-Json ' Exception: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)
17:47:00 | Reporter | {'id': '9858638c-8f13-4ef5-9eda-0799f07449c7', 'osversion': 'Windows ; 10 ; 10.0.19045', 'clientversion': '24.07.28 ; release ; 64', 'configversion': '', 'action': 'powershell_failed', 'meta': '{"command": "Get-NetRoute | Select-Object -Property ifIndex,DestinationPrefix,NextHop | ConvertTo-Json ", "exception": "Traceback (most recent call last):\\n File \\"core\\\\libs\\\\powershell\\\\\\", line 31, in execute\\n File \\"json\\\\\\", line 346, in loads\\n File \\"json\\\\\\", line 337, in decode\\n File \\"json\\\\\\", line 355, in raw_decode\\njson.decoder.JSONDecodeError: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)\\n", "result": "\\"Get-NetRoute : Invalid class \\\\r\\\\nAt line:1 char:39\\\\r\\\\n+ Write-Host __STARTMARKER-adc9e08a__ ; Get-NetRoute | Select-Object -P ...\\\\r\\\\n+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~\\\\r\\\\n + CategoryInfo : MetadataError: (MSFT_NetRoute:ROOT/StandardCimv2/MSFT_NetRoute) [Get-NetRoute], CimExcep \\\\r\\\\n tion\\\\r\\\\n + FullyQualifiedErrorId : HRESULT 0x80041010,Get-NetRoute\\\\r\\\\n \\\\r\\\\n\\""}'}

17:47:02 | Session | Connecting failed, retrying in a few moments
17:47:02 | FirewallRuleBlockInternet | FirewallRuleBlockInternet updating
17:47:02 | RoutingWindows | Checking and updating routing table
17:47:02 | LeakProtection_windows | Checking leakprotection state
17:47:02 | SessionHop | Connection state changed for Hop 1, Erfurt, idle
17:47:02 | OpenVPNConnection (server=erfurt1) | Disconnecting cancelled: VPN is already inactive
17:47:02 | OpenVPNConnection (server=erfurt1) | OpenVPN process exited, please check log for errors: b"2025-01-17 17:47:00 --windows-driver is set to 'wintun'. Disabling Data Channel Offload\r\nOptions error: --cert fails with 'configs\\cl.erfurt.crt': The system cannot find the file specified. (errno=2)\r\n2025-01-17 17:47:00 WARNING: cannot stat file 'configs\\cl.erfurt.key': The system cannot find the file specified. (errno=2)\r\nOptions error: --key fails with 'configs\\cl.erfurt.key': The system cannot find the file specified. (errno=2)\r\nOptions error: Please correct these errors.\r\nUse --help for more information.\r\n"
17:47:02 | OpenVPNConnection (server=erfurt1) | OpenVPN process exited
17:47:02 | OpenVPNConnection (server=erfurt1) | Attempt #1 failed

I have to remove all routes and restart or nothing works