Leckprobleme beim Torrent Qbittorrent


Freshly Joined Member

[Ich habe diesen Beitrag mit Google übersetzt, bitte entschuldigen Sie die Rechtschreibfehler.]

Ich konfiguriere meinen Qbittorrent-Client so, dass er mit einem kaskadierenden 2-Hop-VPN-Setup funktioniert. Ich möchte in Qbittorrent keine bestimmte Netzwerkschnittstelle binden, sodass die Übertragung immer über diese Netzwerkschnittstelle erfolgt.

Meine VPN-Konfiguration: 2 Hops kaskadierendes VPN, OpenVPN, Stealh HTTP/Auto, Leckschutz permanent (alle Optionen aktiviert), eine 1-zu-1-Portweiterleitung für meine VPN-Verbindung mit dem zweiten Hop, primäre IP erzwingen = EIN, Neuro-Routing = AUS ( ON macht alles langsamer), OpenVPN-Protokoll=UDP (TCP ist sehr langsam)

Beim Binden der Netzwerkschnittstelle in Qbittorrent stehen 4 Optionen zur Auswahl:

  1. Jede Schnittstelle (funktioniert mit allen Netzwerkschnittstellen)
  2. Ethernet (das ist meine lokale Hardware-Netzwerkkarte selbst, mit lokaler IP und Router-Gateway)
  3. Perfect Privacy VPN 1 (das ist mein erster Schritt in der Kaskade)
  4. Perfect Privacy VPN 2 (dies ist mein zweiter und letzter Hop in der Kaskade und auch die IP-Adressen nach außen)

Ich teste mit einem großen Torrent, der hohe/maximale Geschwindigkeiten erzeugen kann.

Wenn ich Option 1 wähle: Alle 3 Schnittstellen weisen Anzeichen von Datenverkehr auf (einschließlich der lokalen Hardware-Netzwerkkarte!), ist die Gesamtgeschwindigkeit des Torrents maximal
Wenn ich Option 2 wähle: Nur diese Schnittstelle (Ethernet/lokale Netzwerkkarte) zeigt Datenverkehr an. Die Geschwindigkeit ist maximal
Wenn ich Option 3 wähle: Es gibt keine Verbindung und keinen Verkehr
Wenn ich Option 4 wähle: Nur diese Schnittstelle (Perfect Privacy VPN 2) zeigt Datenverkehr an. Allerdings erreicht es nicht die Höchstgeschwindigkeit, sondern nur etwa ein Drittel der Höchstgeschwindigkeit

Keine der Optionen erscheint mir realisierbar/ok.

Option 1: hat maximale Geschwindigkeit, aktiviert aber auch die Ethernet-/lokale Schnittstelle (!). Das bereitet mir Sorgen, da dies bedeuten würde, dass der Leckschutz irgendwie nicht funktioniert und der Datenverkehr über meine lokale Netzwerkschnittstelle an meinen Router weitergeleitet wird Modem unter Umgehung des VPN
Option 2: gleiches Problem wie bei Option 1 (Verkehrsumgehung des Leckschutzes)
Option 3: offensichtlich, kein Verkehr
Option 4: deutlich niedrigere Geschwindigkeiten und nicht sicher, ob der Datenverkehr über die beiden Hops geleitet wird, da PP VPN 2 der letzte Hop in meiner Kaskade ist

Daher meine Fragen an Sie:
  1. Wie ist es möglich, dass die lokale Netzwerkschnittstelle (Optionen 1 und 2) starken Datenverkehr anzeigt, während VPN und VPN-Leak-Schutz aktiv sind?
  2. Welche Option sollte ich wählen, um meine Qbittorrent-Verbindungen sicher zu machen, indem ich immer die VPN-Verbindung verwende?
  3. Oder was soll ich anders machen?
Vielen Dank im Voraus!

Am besten,
Er sorry, low Battery. But I hope, some from the PP Team answers you (I also have other thing to do, I try to answer next time I'm online). Normally you'd have to use Option 4. It goes from Cascade 2-1-Ethernet-ISP.
Since you're asking for enhancing your knowledge, I can answer (I won't answer to support illegal things since this is also illegal ^^). There are also pages like ipleak.net who can provide you with the IP the torrent-tracker sees, you can check if the torrent-tracker sees the same ip your regular internet-connections have.
See you next time
I answered you in your other post. The one in english. But people can also answer here I think. Mabe here in the german forum you can get better answers.

The post in the other topic:

For educational purpose. Fck this won't be quick for you. (And for me. Since I'm always learning, it would be cool if someone correct any mistake I didn't realise. And I hope I don't forget anything)
You want to enhance you knowledge and expand in understanding qtorrent/torrent? You did already some work, but...

- Stealth http is useful for countries who block vpn or you could get trouble
- Neurorouting is already off, not a good idea for trying out torrent. Don't know if it works.
- Portforwarding see later
- Since I see some problems, you should only use the Windows firewall. Others can work, can partially work or will work with leaks. Maybe, if you remove your old firewall, you must make the firewall resetting itself.
- You're using 2 hops. You know that almost every server is good for testing torrent, but some server block torrent/torrent-tracker (see server-list on pp-homepage for details. Not that you're connectet to one of these server and wonder what doesn't work, but everything works fine and the problem is the blocked torrent-tracker. I think it was USA, france, Australia)
- I assume you're using windows. Don't know if qbittorrent is available on other platforms, but for the next time you post, think if we need some additional information. We don't know your pc. Some informatin is useful, but other information is useless. Try to post the useful information.

So you set up the client and checkt the Settings-Menu. And you try to find out what interface you should use and why you see strange things.
Option 1: Not ok, it uses every interface. But we want it to use the VPN, so this is not the right one. And if you say, speed is maximum, maybe you have some leak-problems? You know how to check about leak-problems?
Option 2: As I told you, you have some problems. You should never see any traffic if you use this interface, since we're using the VPN. Did you try ipleak.net -> torrent test [also did you try the regular ip-leak test with an without vpn? without you may not even reach any webpage http or ping]. It would be interesting what IP you can see if you're connectet to the VPN? The Permanent leak protection says all non VPN traffic is blocked, so what traffic goes where?
Option 3: You're right, there can't be any traffic. Connection is encryptet again from hop1 to hop2, so your pc can't interfere with this traffic or connection.
Option 4: This is the one we want. As told before, try any page who can tell you from where your torrent-client came from. And don't forget, PP has ipv4 and ipv6. Maybe I'm wrong, but I think there was an additional setting in qbittorrent where you can choose like ipv4, ipv6, both of them for torrents. Can't remember perfectly but if you see the setting, you know it. Or was it some other client?
The Traffic goes from hop2>hop1>ethernet>isp, that's the way we want it.

Then the problem Port-forwarding. You can choose a random port everytime qbittorrent starts, you can set a fixed port, there is UPNP... The thing is, I don't know exactly about this. I already asked if there is the possibility for a leak, but I didn't get any answer yet. An open port is a hole in the firewall. On the other side, the traffic goes through the VPN, the firewall is set no traffic can go anywhere else. No traffic from the outside can reach the pc. The traffic goes something like ISP-Router-Ethernet/Wireless Adapter-Firewall-your pc/VPN. So theoretically, if your internet is not on a fibre/dsl-modem, you should be safe. BUT there was tunnelcrack (PP was safe against, nearly every other vpn wasn't). So I don't know if it is 100% safe agains some kind of leak or attack or if it is somehow possible to find out the ip. Can someone who knows the answer (who knows and not think he knows) reply?
Additional PP allow you some forwarded ports. I forgot (again) but there is some time-limit the port resets. And I think if you change the server it also resets. So you should read into that.
Without port-forwarding you have no incoming connections. You still can download your Linux-iso, but none of the other user can connect to you, you have to connect to them. As you can see, if two user have the same problem, they even can't connect. And now imagine there are only 2 user who have the full file (called seeder) and both can't connect to you (called leecher), and you can't connect to them.

Question 1 is answered (advanced leaktesting, some ideas in my text above), question 2 also but there is still question 3.
What can you do otherwise?
You can set up a VM (Virtual Machine). Correctly set up, there can't be any leaks. Way too long for this short text. But many thins are obvios. google/youtube for some serious tutorials. You know, enhance your knowledge ^^ If you use a VM, never ever use 2 different VPN provider. You may think, it's more safe, but it's even less safe than 1 VPN provider.
Then there are other clients. I tested some of them. And I was shocked. One worked as it should, but you never should use it. One worked and then in the next testing VM it didn't work, deleted it and didn't work again and in the third one it worked. And I had no explanation. One client finished the testing-torrent, but after a forece recheck it always had some corrupted data. Finished it again and the same Problem. After the 5th or 6th failed recheck I decided somehow the client and the VM don't work together... And you don't know if the cliend sends your data to some people whose personal gain from your data is more important than user-rights or the existing law for themself and their partners.
Maybe some other VM would work. But you should never even thinking about using the Microsoft VM. Somewhere I read (and that's where I lost every interest in it) it uses your hardware directly and is faster. That's the problem. One of many (!) reasons for a VM is, you can't get nearly any informatin about the host system. Let's say, you use an evil software. And it collects data to know who you are. There is no serial number or whatever to allocate to you. If I understand correctly, the M$ VM use your hardware and this evil software can collect your Serial numbers and so on. That's not the idea behind it. Even worse, there was an easy usable bug where the software could invide the host system with admin rights (already fixed but you don't know the future) because it uses the hardware of the pc (as far as I remember correctly). That's not something we want. And don't use 3d acceleration/hardare grafic acceleration. It's possible to identify yourself! Not even in the browser, sometimes you have to search how to deactivate it.
And I don't know if it is a good idea to use your windows-key in the VM. Maybe it'll get deactivated after some time. And to get identified by windows only for testing some torrent-client is useless.

As I told you before, this is purely educational. And as you see, even I don't know everything. There are possibilities for operation errors on your side.

see you next time