Does it work with PuTTY, or another SSH client?Which servers failed exactly?
I just tried SSH connections with the SSH Manager to Stockholm2 and Zurich1,2,3 and Erfurt:
1) Stockholm2: Socks5 connection failed ("network error") but the Http connection was successful.
2) Zurich1, Zurich2 & Zurich3: Both socks5 & Http connections were successful
3) Erfurt: Both socks5 & Http connections were successful
I used Putty at this time.Does it work with PuTTY, or another SSH client?
I'm getting the same message on all serversStill haven't been fixed. Every time I try to connect I get an error plink.exe: FATAL ERROR: Couldn't agree a key exchange algorithm. Including servers in Zurich, Basel, Stockholm, Paris, Calais, Malmoe, Istanbul etc It all started to happen just before the weekend.