Kann ich bestätigen, bei mir ist es genau so. Hab Win 10 und davor den alten Client gehabt, der seit den 09.09. stets mich disconnected hat. Also den alten rausgeschmissen, den neuen installiert, hat auch gefunzt aber mit Verbindungsabbrüchen. Jetzt hängt der Client, egal bei welchen Server auf der Verification rum. Die Log sagt sagt komischerweise:
17:06:30 | ManagementInterfaceParser (server=basel1) | >LOG:1725980790,N,write to TUN/TAP : No such file or directory (fd=ffffffffffffffff,code=2)
17:06:30 | ManagementInterfaceParser (server=basel1) | >LOG:1725980790,I,write_wintun(): head/tail value is over capacity
Weitere Sachen sind sowas, ich weiß nicht ob das relevant ist:
17:24:17 | ConfigUpdater | Error while checking for updates, retry in 600 seconds
17:24:17 | ConfigUpdater | Traceback (most recent call last):
File "core\libs\web\webrequests_local_resolv_adapter.py", line 99, in _patched_new_conn
File "urllib3\util\connection.py", line 96, in create_connection
File "urllib3\util\connection.py", line 86, in create_connection
TimeoutError: timed out
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "urllib3\connectionpool.py", line 699, in urlopen
File "urllib3\connectionpool.py", line 382, in _make_request
File "urllib3\connectionpool.py", line 1010, in _validate_conn
File "urllib3\connection.py", line 353, in connect
File "core\libs\web\webrequests_local_resolv_adapter.py", line 103, in _patched_new_conn
urllib3.exceptions.ConnectTimeoutError: (<urllib3.connection.HTTPSConnection object at 0x000001815D4030E0>, 'Connection to www.perfect-privacy.com ( timed out. (connect timeout=10.0)')
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "requests\adapters.py", line 667, in send
File "urllib3\connectionpool.py", line 755, in urlopen
File "urllib3\util\retry.py", line 574, in increment
urllib3.exceptions.MaxRetryError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='www.perfect-privacy.com', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /downloads/Perfect_Privacy_App_Configs.zip.version (Caused by ConnectTimeoutError(<urllib3.connection.HTTPSConnection object at 0x000001815D4030E0>, 'Connection to www.perfect-privacy.com ( timed out. (connect timeout=10.0)'))
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "core\configupdater\config_updater.py", line 51, in _check_for_updates
File "core\libs\web\webrequest.py", line 46, in get
File "requests\sessions.py", line 602, in get
File "requests\sessions.py", line 589, in request
File "requests\sessions.py", line 703, in send
File "core\libs\web\webrequests_local_resolv_adapter.py", line 31, in send
File "requests\adapters.py", line 688, in send
requests.exceptions.ConnectTimeout: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='www.perfect-privacy.com', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /downloads/Perfect_Privacy_App_Configs.zip.version (Caused by ConnectTimeoutError(<urllib3.connection.HTTPSConnection object at 0x000001815D4030E0>, 'Connection to www.perfect-privacy.com ( timed out. (connect timeout=10.0)'))
17:24:07 | ConfigUpdater | starting checking for updates and updating
17:23:12 | UserAPI | Network problem
17:22:06 | IPCheckerResult | Ipv4 changed, connected: False
17:22:06 | LeakProtection_windows | Checking leakprotection state
17:22:06 | SubCommand | ['C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\netsh.exe', 'interface', 'ipv6', 'set', 'dnsserver', '67', 'dhcp', 'validate=no'] , Success: True
17:22:06 | SubCommand | ['C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\netsh.exe', 'interface', 'ipv4', 'set', 'dnsserver', '67', 'dhcp', 'validate=no'] , Success: True
17:22:05 | SubCommand | ['C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\netsh.exe', 'interface', 'ipv6', 'set', 'dnsserver', '24', 'dhcp', 'validate=no'] , Success: True
17:22:05 | SubCommand | ['C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\netsh.exe', 'interface', 'ipv4', 'set', 'dnsserver', '24', 'dhcp', 'validate=no'] , Success: True
17:22:05 | SubCommand | ['C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\netsh.exe', 'interface', 'ipv6', 'set', 'dnsserver', '21', 'dhcp', 'validate=no'] , Success: True
17:22:05 | SubCommand | ['C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\netsh.exe', 'interface', 'ipv4', 'set', 'dnsserver', '21', 'dhcp', 'validate=no'] , Success: True
17:22:05 | SubCommand | ['C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\netsh.exe', 'interface', 'ipv6', 'set', 'dnsserver', '18', 'dhcp', 'validate=no'] , Success: True
17:22:05 | SubCommand | ['C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\netsh.exe', 'interface', 'ipv4', 'set', 'dnsserver', '18', 'dhcp', 'validate=no'] , Success: True
17:22:04 | RoutingWindows | Checking and updating routing table
17:22:04 | SubCommand | ['C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\netsh.exe', 'interface', 'ipv4', 'delete', 'route', '', '', 'interface=1'] , Success: True
17:22:03 | SubCommand | ['C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\netsh.exe', 'interface', 'ipv6', 'delete', 'route', '2000::/4', '::', 'interface=1'] , Success: True
17:22:03 | SubCommand | ['C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\netsh.exe', 'interface', 'ipv4', 'delete', 'route', '', '', 'interface=13'] , Success: True
17:22:03 | SubCommand | ['C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\netsh.exe', 'interface', 'ipv6', 'delete', 'route', '2000::/5', 'fe80::8', 'interface=13'] , Success: True
17:22:03 | SubCommand | ['C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\netsh.exe', 'interface', 'ipv4', 'delete', 'route', '', '', 'interface=18'] , Success: True
17:22:03 | SubCommand | ['C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\netsh.exe', 'interface', 'ipv6', 'delete', 'route', '2800::/5', 'fe80::8', 'interface=13'] , Success: True
17:22:03 | SubCommand | ['C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\netsh.exe', 'interface', 'ipv4', 'delete', 'route', '', '', 'interface=13'] , Success: True
17:22:03 | SubCommand | ['C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\netsh.exe', 'interface', 'ipv6', 'delete', 'route', '3000::/4', '::', 'interface=1'] , Success: True
17:22:03 | SubCommand | ['C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\netsh.exe', 'interface', 'ipv4', 'delete', 'route', '', '', 'interface=1'] , Success: True
17:22:03 | SubCommand | ['C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\netsh.exe', 'interface', 'ipv4', 'delete', 'route', '', '', 'interface=13'] , Success: True
17:22:03 | SubCommand | ['C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\netsh.exe', 'interface', 'ipv6', 'delete', 'route', '3000::/5', 'fe80::8', 'interface=13'] , Success: True
17:22:03 | SubCommand | ['C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\netsh.exe', 'interface', 'ipv4', 'delete', 'route', '', '', 'interface=13'] , Success: True
17:22:03 | SubCommand | ['C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\netsh.exe', 'interface', 'ipv6', 'delete', 'route', '3800::/5', 'fe80::8', 'interface=13'] , Success: True
17:22:02 | ManagementInterfaceParser (server=rotterdam2) | Exited parser process
17:22:02 | OpenVPNConnection (server=rotterdam2) | Management Interface Parser closed
17:22:02 | SessionHop | Connection state changed for Hop 1, Netherlands, idle
17:22:02 | OpenVPNConnection (server=rotterdam2) | Disconnecting cancelled: VPN is already inactive
17:22:02 | OpenVPNConnection (server=rotterdam2) | OpenVPN process exited
17:22:02 | OpenVPNConnection (server=rotterdam2) | State changed to 'DISCONNECTED'
17:22:02 | ManagementInterfaceParser (server=rotterdam2) | closing socket to management interface
17:22:02 | ManagementInterfaceParser (server=rotterdam2) | no more lines left
17:22:02 | RoutingWindows | Checking and updating routing table
17:22:02 | LeakProtection_windows | Checking leakprotection state
17:22:02 | SessionHop | Connection state changed for Hop 1, Netherlands, disconnecting
17:22:02 | OpenVPNConnection (server=rotterdam2) | State changed to 'EXITING'
17:22:02 | ManagementInterfaceParser (server=rotterdam2) | >STATE:1725981722,EXITING,SIGTERM,,,,,
17:22:02 | ManagementInterfaceParser (server=rotterdam2) | >LOG:1725981722,,MANAGEMENT: >STATE:1725981722,EXITING,SIGTERM,,,,,
17:22:02 | ManagementInterfaceParser (server=rotterdam2) | >LOG:1725981722,I,SIGTERM[hard,] received, process exiting
17:22:02 | ManagementInterfaceParser (server=rotterdam2) | >LOG:1725981722,I,NETSH: C:\WINDOWS\system32\netsh.exe interface ipv4 delete address 13 store=active
17:22:02 | ManagementInterfaceParser (server=rotterdam2) | >LOG:1725981722,I,NETSH: C:\WINDOWS\system32\netsh.exe interface ipv4 delete dns 13 all
17:22:02 | ManagementInterfaceParser (server=rotterdam2) | >LOG:1725981722,I,NETSH: C:\WINDOWS\system32\netsh.exe interface ipv6 delete address 13 fdbf:1d37:bbe0:0:29:3:0:12 store=active
17:22:02 | ManagementInterfaceParser (server=rotterdam2) | >LOG:1725981722,,IPv6 route deleted using ipapi
17:22:02 | ManagementInterfaceParser (server=rotterdam2) | >LOG:1725981722,,delete_route_ipv6(fdbf:1d37:bbe0:0:29:3::/112)
17:22:02 | ManagementInterfaceParser (server=rotterdam2) | >LOG:1725981722,,Closing TUN/TAP interface
17:22:02 | ManagementInterfaceParser (server=rotterdam2) | SUCCESS: signal SIGTERM thrown
17:22:02 | ManagementInterfaceParser (server=rotterdam2) | >LOG:1725981722,D,MANAGEMENT: CMD 'signal SIGTERM'
17:22:02 | OpenVPNConnection (server=rotterdam2) | Waiting for management interface parser to finish
17:22:02 | ManagementInterfaceParser (server=rotterdam2) | sending: 'signal SIGTERM'
17:22:02 | OpenVPNConnection (server=rotterdam2) | Disconnecting Hop 1, VPN Server rotterdam2
Ich habe auch schon Sachen wie das Reinstall OpenVPN Driver probiert.
Aber gut, ich denke mal ein Fall fürn Ticket.