Answered: Multiple conections to same server


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I am trying to connect three devices to a single PP server (Melbourne), but the third connection is refused. Is there a limit on how many times a single IP can connect to the same VPN server? If not, what might be causing this problem?

For background...

I live in Melbourne Australia. I have a PFSense router permanently connected via OpenVPN to PP Melbourne for all outbound traffic. I have a Firewall rule which routes port 500 via my ISP (no VPN).

I am now attempting to setup two Android phones (Pixel 2) via the Perfect Privacy app with "Always on" to PP Melbourne. Phone A will connect via local network to Melbourne but Phone 2 will not. If I disconnect WiFi on Phone 2, I can connect via 4G.

We generally don't restrict the number of devices connected.
Does this only happen on the Melbourne server or any other server, too?

Keep in mind that IPsec only uses port 500 for the key exchange. Encrypted traffic either uses the ESP protocol or UDP on port 4500.

We generally don't restrict the number of devices connected.
Does this only happen on the Melbourne server or any other server, too?

Keep in mind that IPsec only uses port 500 for the key exchange. Encrypted traffic either uses the ESP protocol or UDP on port 4500.
As far I know it is impossible to make more than one openvpn connection to the same server at the same time.
This ist not cause PP is restricting that under purpose, this ist cause OpenVPN installed on a server allows only one connetion at the time with the same login. You will have the same Problem with other VPN Provider like Ovpn, Nvpn as well.
@PP Lars you as the tech admin should be able to give us a better statement about that theme. Thanks
I think it was already written somewhere but I can't find it anymore.

This Problem belongs only to OpenVpn, If you use Ipsec, PPTP or proxies you can do multiple connections with the same Server at the same time. You also can do one connection with the server with OpenVPN and Ipsec at the same time no problem.
Are you certain? I have tried to configure IPsec VPN on two iPhone's and one iPad and if connected to the same WiFi it seems like the VPN is incapable of connecting if multiple are using the same server. For preformance and reliability I prefer to use the server closed to my location and as I live in Norway there is only one located in Oslo. Having both my iPhone and iPad connect to the same server does not seem to work. If I moved the iPad to use one of the several servers located in Sweden both can connect at the same time without issues.

Same seems to be happenin when using IPsec VPN on macOS as well. I prefer to use the built-in IPsec VPN in macOS and the on-demand setting but having this connecting to Oslo while my iPhone is doing the same on the same network one of them seems to just be stuck in a endless loop of connecting.