Why is it so?? - Frustrated


New Member
I have just found out that PP is no longer based in Switzerland, but in Germany. Germany being a member of the 5/9/14 Eyes Alliance . This was a bit of a shock. No mention of this in the forum posts AT ALL , at least not in Engish. This is an important fact that should have been presented and explained clearly, bodly, and on the front page, and kept there for all to see. Why are there no posts in the news or announcements or anywhere else from the last couple of YEARS about these subjects!!!!. Why are there servers in China/ Russia that have no privacy laws whatsoever?? Why is this not explained in English in any forum post that I can find?? If you are all happy to take my money, how about informing us all of some of the important things that go on in the VPN world. IN ENGLISH!!. Surely you have a few of us at least that don't speak German and don't have to jump through hoops to translate. I am starting to wonder why I pay for this service when it lacks transparency. No public audits to be found anywhere either. Is this starting to sounds a bit suspiscious?? YES. If I'm missing something, please let me know. Thankyou.
at least not in Engish
Ok, we doesn't post it in English, but in German: Wir sind umgezogen to beautiful Germany.
The Cyberdock GmbH listed in the imprint is my company, which we have had for years for software development and so on.
Nothing will change for you, except that the Swiss boss has been replaced by me.
Why Germany, you ask? Mainly because it gives us access to an incredible number of EU-wide lawsuits, we can prove much better that we are not one of the shitty providers who run other side businesses, you can be sure that we don't sell your data (that would be quite illegal in .de), authorities can reach us better, and we can also prove in court that we don't log.
Besides, transparency is always better. We are in the right and don't need to hide. In addition, you can now send us dsgvo requests for information that we really have to answer, not like before, where we only did it out of courtesy

Incidentally, data retention applies in Switzerland. In Germany, this is only voluntary and not mandatory. This means that we can offer our services unchanged and, as I mentioned earlier, publicly enforce our right not to log in a court of law.
You know, the german users also asked the same questions, but we can't translate every post into english. I know your concern but somewhere I stated something like this:

In some random 3rd world country, I think the state, or some other state, goes to the VPN provider with a bag full of money and ask things, and nobody knows about this (maybe not even the boss of the vpn provider if they ask one of the workers there). In Germany (also in Swiss) it's not that easy.

But you're right, these questions have to be asked!