Suggestions for configuration files


I recently discovered a line in the VPN logs that I don't think should be there. Not sure about the implications of this warning, but I decided to follow the advice shown in this warning
WARNING: this configuration may cache passwords in memory -- use the auth-nocache option to prevent this
and added auth-nocache to my configuration files to prevent password caching.


PP, would you consider adding this to the configuration files as a default?

Also, a few years ago you added mute-replay-warnings to the config files to suppress these warnings. I don't think it's a good choice, because they tell me when a connection is not working well. I sometimes have speed issues, let's say the Tor browser is painfully slow, and at the same time I get these warnings in my log telling me to switch to another VPN server to get better speed.
So I disable this feature by default to get this information about my VPN connections.

Personally, I think you should remove this entry from the config files.