Answered: Perfect Privacy Leaks IP with aBitorrent on Windows 10

Hello: I have been using Perfect Privacy on Windows 10 with qBitorrent V5.03 and have recently realized that unless qwBitorrent is explicily bound to the PP vpn adapter in qBitorrent advanced settings Netork, that qBitorrent can bypass perfect privacy and leak my true iPV4 address. I don't understand how this can happen as the Perfect Privacy application is supposed to force all programs to run through the vpn and the leak protection settings are supposed to prevent applications from accessing other network interfaces. Can anyone explain this behavior to me. Please see attached photos of Pervect Privacy leak detection settings and torrent leak when vpn adapter not bound to qBitorrent . My real ip address blacked out.
I use eset antivirus and comodo firewall, but it should have anything to do with that. The VPN app is supposed to tunnel everything through it. It seems qbitorrent has a way to access other network interfaces even with the tunnel up if not bound. If this app can do that it leaves me concerned whether any browsers or other apps can do the same thing.
Even if the firewall is disabled it still has the same problem. I have read multiple accounts of this online with people only using Windows firewall an Linux distos as well as other VPNs. I am quite confident it has nothing to do with the firewall.I have a ticket submittd for this problem but have no reply yet.
Hello Christian. you are partially right. If I have Comodo firewall running and windows firewall I have no leak. If I disable windows firewall (which I had done) and use only Comodo firewall I get an ip leak. I will have to investigate this further as when I use both I have no issue. So Comodo is not blocking my real IP where Windows Firewall is. I am going to bring this issue up with Comodo.
Hello Christian: On another note could you explain to me why vpn manager will leak my ip address if windows firwall is turned off and Comodo not installed. Should the vpn manager alone prevent qBitorrent application from leaking my real ip address. My browsers don't leak but this qBitorrent does. When I turn on Windows firewall the leak stops. Just food for thought and you may better understand this than me.