A Pop-Up Tells Me To Upgrade to New VPN Version -- HOW DO I DO THAT?


Freshly Joined Member
Where do I download this "new" version. And if memory serves me correctly, last time this happened I needed to delete some kind of folder hidden somewhere on my PC -- or this did not work.

If this is going to routinely happen, the process of of signing in to this website to upgrade to this "latest version" should be seamless. There should be an option on the very first page that says "Click Here If You Saw a Pop-Up That Said You Need To Upgrade to A New Version." And when you click it, a screen pops up that says here's what you need to do: #1...., #2....., #3....... and so on. Why this is such an incredible chore is a mystery. I guess computer tech people aren't the best customer service experts -- they're too right-brained. But geez, take my advice on this. You must be empathetic... put yourself in someone else's shoes. Imagine this happening to you and you know NOTHING about VPNs or upgrading them. It's very frustrating and time consuming -- and for no good reason. This is an unforced error that could be very simply remedied with some very basic instructions.